Friday, November 14, 2014

Thanksgiving Crafts with Kids

The holidays are fast approaching and at More Than Paper, it's our favorite time of year to craft with our children.  When they were small, we used to make all kinds of pilgrim hats, hand turkeys, fall leave decorations and more. Pinterest is chalk full of great kids craft activities and we've rounded up a few of our favorites -- some you can do with small children and some you can do with them as they get bigger.

Wrap up some of those turkey treats and finish them off with a personalized gift sticker from More Than Paper! Give them as little Thanksgiving gifts to grandparents or neighbors. We have dozens of styles from which to choose and you can personalize them however you want. Or use them as return address stickers! Here are a few of our favorites.

Spark & Spark Return Address Labels (Thanksgiving Message)

Sugar Cookie Gift Stickers - Turkey

Spark & Spark Return Address Labels (Thanksgiving From Us)

Spark & Spark Return Address Labels (Three Fall Modern Trees)

Spark & Spark Return Address Labels (Wishful Thanksgiving)

How are you celebrating and getting ready for Thanksgiving this year? 


  1. من اكبر وافضل واقوى شركات تنظيف خزانات المياه بجدة تلك التي تقوم بأعمال تنظيف وتعقيم خزانات المياه في جدة بمنتهى الدقة والاحترافية وتقدم ايضا شركه نظافه خزانات بجده افضل الخدمات الجيدة في تنظيف وتعقيم الخزانات لكي تحافظ على الماء نظيفا ومعقما اطول فترة زمنية ممكنة لكي تكون مياهك نظيفة فان شركه نظافة خزانات مستعدة لاستقبال مكالمتكم في أي وقت وطلب الخدمة
