The Pandemic Disconnect
The Pandemic has certainly changed how we live and
interact. For some people, the effects
have been profound. At More Than Paper, we have co-workers who haven’t seen
their families in 4 months – which is much longer than they’ve ever gone
before! It’s hard. It’s sad. It’s
unfamiliar. But right now, staying away and keeping distance will help protect
family members in the long run. So we do
the hard, sad, and unfamiliar things anyway.
But what happens when your family has a milestone or deserves a celebration, and you can’t do things like you always have? We have a few ideas to help continue to celebrate and connect during the crisis. Sure, it’s not the same as it was before – but with these tips and tricks, you CAN find ways to connect and celebrate with the ones you love.
Driveaway Drive-bys
It’s your grandfather’s birthday but you can’t continue your
tradition of Olive Garden followed by Baskin Robbins? Consider a driveway
drive-by. You’ve likely seen this on the
news, or in your social media feed, but it’s a great way to plan a party –
safely. Grandpa sits outside on the
driveway and then all the family members and friends drive by in their
cars. Consider ordering a Happy
Birthday, Grandpa banner to make it extra special. More Than Paper has plenty
of options from which to choose!
Send A Care Package
Create a care package to send to loved ones, letting them
know that you’re thinking of them. A handwritten note, their favorite
chocolate, a box of their favorite tea or bag of their favorite coffee, a good
book and/or some magazines are just a few ideas to include. A thoughtful, handwritten note is something
that they’ll cherish and really brighten their day. When was the last time you got an actual
letter in the mail? We have plenty of
stationery designs-check out your options!
Maximize Digital Options
If there was ever a “good” time to have a pandemic, this
arguably might be better than previous years. Definitely better than the
Spanish Flu era! With the internet, there are dozens of ways to connect and
stay in touch. We have seemingly tried
them all with Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Blue Jean, Google Hangouts, and more. Try them all on and see which you like
best! FaceTime helps, too.
Keep Some Normalcy
Were you planning on attending a wedding that got postponed
this summer? You are not alone. Try to keep some normalcy and help the bride
and groom celebrate. Though their
wedding might not have happened as they wish, they still deserve to be
celebrated. Send them a card with a
thoughtful note, or send them a gift. Be
sure to check out our gift options on the site! And it’s not just weddings. Baby
showers, births, bachelorette parties, bachelor parties, engagement parties,
graduation parties – all of the big life events have been affected. Whenever
possible, try to keep normalcy by finding ways to celebrate those people. Even
if it is a quick note or small gift. We
think these cute pads are great to give to let your loved ones know you are
thinking of them.
Surely this has been a challenge like we have never faced before, but if we are creative, we will come up with new and exciting ways to connect with those that we love, while keeping everyone safe. What ideas have we missed? Comment or share on Facebook what you are doing to stay connected right now!