Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Encouraging Letter Writing from Camp

Getting letters FROM camp is fun – make sure to save them for future scrapbooks – but sending letters TO camp can be just as much fun and can go a long way to keeping your happy little summer camper(s) happy while they’re away. A newsy, handwritten note from home can brighten up a rainy day or add a smile to a sunny one by letting your camper know that he or she is missed! 

Here are 5 tips for writing fun letters TO camp this summer from More Than Paper! We think it will encourage a letter back from your camper! 
  1. Hand write your letter, and use personal stationery that will bring happy memories of home. Give the stationery and/or the envelope a spritz of your signature perfume and your letter will be just like a hug from Mom!
  2. Be cheerful.  Let your camper know that you are glad he or she is having a great time at camp, that you miss them, love them and that you will be happy to see them when they get home.
  3. Be curious. Asking yes or no questions – Are you having fun? Do you like your counselor? – will most likely result in yes or no answers in your next from camp, and you won’t get a true feel for the experience your camper is having. Asking specific questions will give your camper a reason to pull out pen and paper and a guide to follow: What is your favorite camp activity? What are you doing in arts and crafts? What are the names of your cabin mates? What’s your favorite lunch/dinner/dessert?
  4. Be chatty.  Fill your camper in on all the HAPPY news from home, being careful not to mention fun activities they might be missing or things that might make them homesick. You can chat about family, friends and favorite pets … and what fun activities are planned for when your camper gets home.
  5. Be Positive. As you close your letter TO camp, add a few words of encouragement. We know you’re having a great time at camp and we can’t wait to hear all about it when we see you on Parents Day! Love and kisses, Mom and Dad. And don’t forget to ask for letters FROM camp!

 Shop all of our stationery styles to use for your letter writing this summer! 

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